I Promise to do better in the future, for those that actually stuck around and watch, I had to quite OBS and relaunch it to get it to recognize the proper audio out put for the Game audio to come through. Secondly I want to apologize for Locals stream, apparently I muted the audio completely on it, and the video was laggy as all get out that I might just try to stream on Rumble and launch a supporters only chat over here in the future until I get a better streaming setup etc..
Thanks again for all the support from @wints22 and the Gaming Locals community. Also @WhatUpIan for being such a great pioneer too. Lastly I want to thank my first followers for joining me here on Locals! @Ector420 @gdelg79 @ammygram5 @GeorgeMoss and @ShiverMeTimbers
Note: If you could Join my actual locals page too and not just follow my profile that’d be great all ya gotta do is hit the join community button and it’s completely free, no extra purchase necessary unless you want to become a a payed supporter.
Thanks again everyone.
Last but not least I also made Gold 3 on Apex Legends Ranked!
I’ll be it slightly crippled as I’m waiting on the GPU to show up but, it’s progress! ☺️
Gotta figure out the right settings on in the UEFI then stall an OS & we’ll be off to streaming shortly after that! 💪