Thank you all for joining and shoutout to my supporters, you know who you are!
I thought I’d finally sit down and do a short intro about me and the community.
About me: I’m a God Fearing man of Faith, a Christian Man at that but, I love gaming and I dabble a little bit in politics. I know you’re not supposed to mix any 2 of these right? Wrong, dead wrong. If I don’t stand up ⬆️ as a Christian than I haven’t done my part to help lead others to salvation.
Moving on I started my journey into video gaming when I was probably around 12 or 13 with my old churches gaming room that had a N64 where the other kids and I would play Golden Eye, Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros. From there it was the discovery of the PS2 with SSX Trickey, Kingdom Hearts and eventually I found Rachet & Clank one of my all time favorites. This all to say I’ve enjoyed gaming since I was a young teen and haven’t ever quit since.
Now I know that some games aren’t very “Christian” however God created us in his image to create things and one such medium of enjoying creation today is video games but, we mustn’t ever forget who comes first above all else.
Onto politics, I’ll let each post I share or comment on speak for themselves.
About the community: I created this community as a way of sharing my experiences and my gaming content. That all said it’s also a place for others to gather who enjoy my content wish to know me and my life a bit better along with feeling safe from persecution for having opinions contrary to that of “The Party” to quote Orwell.
In this community I will include exclusive content such as this one and Supporters only Chats for ya’ll to hang out and have fun in. Along with other friends and supporters content that can be shared too.
Lastly a note on Stream Scheduling: I currently try to stream twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays around 8pm Eastern and intermittently on the weekends as I have a wife, a life and a full time job that takes precedence.
I’ll be it slightly crippled as I’m waiting on the GPU to show up but, it’s progress! ☺️
Gotta figure out the right settings on in the UEFI then stall an OS & we’ll be off to streaming shortly after that! 💪