Just a heads up we’ll be back at it again tonight! Since our last stream we’ve gained several new Followers and Members to the community.
As of Today we are now up to 16 members!
Though I need to preface that following my profile does not make you a member of the community. When you click on my profile you’ll see a Follow and a Join Community button. If it’s not to much to ask can all my followers here on Locals please hit the Join Community button?
As a reminder we’re trying to hit 100 Members on Locals before the new year, It’s completely free and it would be much appreciated!
Thank you and Welcome to the Community!
I’ll be it slightly crippled as I’m waiting on the GPU to show up but, it’s progress! ☺️
Gotta figure out the right settings on in the UEFI then stall an OS & we’ll be off to streaming shortly after that! 💪