First off I want to apologize for no stream last night but, it’s for the better because big changes are coming to the streaming schedule.
The love of my life and I discussed a schedule change for streaming.
I’ll be moving my primary streams to Monday and Wednesday Nights roughly starting around 7:30-8:00pm Eastern Standard Time and going forward if time permits I’ll be trying to stream Tuesday and Thursday evenings for about an hour or so roughly starting around 5:45-6:00pm EST.
Lastly Weekends will be played by ear, so if you wish to stay in the loop, make sure you Join me here on Locals so you’ll be the first to know when my next stream will be!
I’ll be it slightly crippled as I’m waiting on the GPU to show up but, it’s progress! ☺️
Gotta figure out the right settings on in the UEFI then stall an OS & we’ll be off to streaming shortly after that! 💪