God Knows, God Remembers
Psalm 103 is like a Thanksgiving table laden with rich food. Right from the start the psalmist speaks of “all” the “benefits” we have received from God (v. 2), with a clear intention to point out the abundance. There are “mercy” benefits (mostly in vv. 3–12). There are “compassion” benefits (mostly in vv. 13–18). And throughout the psalm there are listed the benefits of God’s “steadfast love” (vv. 4, 8, 11, 17). There is one blessing, however, that stands out in bold relief. It is the fact that God “knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust” (v. 14). There is great hope and great comfort to be found in that truth.
Two wonderful things flow from the fact that God knows my frame and remembers that I am dust. First, it means that I don’t need to pretend. The One who is the most important audience in my life is fully aware of who and what I really am. What a relief!
Second, the fact that God knows my frame and remembers that I’m dust means he’s not expecting flawless perfection from me. This is no excuse for laziness or self-indulgence. It simply means “God knows the limits of my ability. And because of my weakness, he deals with me with tender compassion (v. 13).
We will regularly fail. We will still sin. The amazing thing is that, even though we still sin, if we are in Christ, God no longer deals with us on the basis of our sin (v. 10). It isn’t that he doesn’t deal with the sin in our lives. It’s that now he deals with our sin not according to our sin but according to his steadfast love (vv. 11–12; see also Ps. 25:6–7). There is no “benefit” greater than this for sinners like us, and there is nothing so entirely undeserved. And it all flows from this wonderful truth—that God knows our frame, remembers that we are dust, and deals with us with corresponding compassion.
It probably should not go without noting that this psalm begins and ends with a call to “bless God”—that is, to praise him for his goodness to us. Certainly near the top of the list of reasons to do so is this simple but profound fact: God knows us for who we really are, and he deals
“with us according to that knowledge. That’s a great reason for gratitude and praise. So, bless the Lord!”
Psalm 103 ESV
I’ll be it slightly crippled as I’m waiting on the GPU to show up but, it’s progress! ☺️
Gotta figure out the right settings on in the UEFI then stall an OS & we’ll be off to streaming shortly after that! 💪