Gaming • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
A community about Faith, Gaming, Politics and trying to have fun in the middle.

I aim to grow a group of like minded people through Video Games but, also aren’t shy of sharing and discussing our opinions with out being cancelled.
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Daily Strength Devotional, May 12

In Queitness Is Your Strength.

Here is a psalm that men in particular would do well to hear. Reading verse 2, however, we might not find ourselves immediately relating to the imagery. In fact, we might be tempted to pass over this psalm as something not entirely relevant to our masculinity. That would be a huge mistake, of course, and we would do well to see it as a mistake before we make it. Yes, God has made us to act and to get things done, not to just sit around. Still, there is a profound truth for us in this psalm that we, as men, really need to get.
It would be good to remember what the Psalms are for. The Psalms especially address our inner being—our mind, heart, and soul. They speak to what’s going on with our fears, doubts, thoughts, discouragements, heartaches, and hopes. This psalm is addressed to a very particular inner reality, namely, when life feels overwhelming and we can be tempted to ask, “Is anyone really overseeing things? Is God really in charge and paying attention to how things are going in my world?”
David, the author of this psalm, would have had much opportunity to raise questions like this. After he was anointed as king, he went through a challenging ten years waiting for what God had promised would happen. During all that time there would have been a strong temptation for him to ask, “God, what is going on here?” Nonetheless, David decided not to lift up his heart in complaint, as if he knew better than God (Ps. 131:1). Instead, David purposed to rest himself in God (v. 2).
What does it look like to rest oneself in God? Like this weaned child is doing with its mother (v. 2), resting in God means simply trusting in his presence, his protection, and his care. This child is no longer fretting for something from his mother. He is simply resting in his mother. And just like this mother, God is present, and he is strong on our behalf. “The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut. 33:27). Amazingly, even if we don’t stop fretting, God won’t stop being like that. But the fact is, we can rest.
Isaiah 30:15 says it so clearly: “In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Men, that applies to us as much as to anyone.

Mike Bullmore

Psalm 131

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Much Love everyone! Thanks for rolling through Chris and everyone else!

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Schedule Reminder!

Tuesday’s & Thursdays 6-8pm EST.

Note: We’ll be starting up streaming again soon enough, gotta get my new setup up and running. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements.

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