Gaming • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
A community about Faith, Gaming, Politics and trying to have fun in the middle.

I aim to grow a group of like minded people through Video Games but, also aren’t shy of sharing and discussing our opinions with out being cancelled.
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Now’s the time to make the switch!

I know must people currently use a different multi-stream program that cost $100’s per month to use but, it doesn’t have to be that way anymore!

Now’s the time to make the switch to a freedom Focused and also Free program with Rumble Studio!

Just wanted to inform you that Rumble Studio is now open and available to all Rumble Creators/Streamers and offers a free Muli-Platform streaming solution comparable to other Multi-Streaming programs.

Some features include Viewer Call In without the need for phone calls, the live chat merges all chats from every platform stream you have Live so you have a one stop shop where you can view all messages in one place, quick and easy setup of streams to multiple platforms: X, YouTube, Twitch, Rumble, Locals, Facebook & even custom RTMP options for the ones not listed (like GETTR)!

All For Free!

Available on iOS, Android & as a web app.

Highly recommend using it!

Keep up the great Stuff!


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What else you may like…
Puppies playing the back yard!

This is Titan and Nova, They’re Australian Shepherds.

Also this is what my feet have been dealing with most of the stream.. 👀

Stream Raid Highlight!

Much Love everyone! Thanks for rolling through Chris and everyone else!

It’s Alive!! Well kinda. 🫣

I’ll be it slightly crippled as I’m waiting on the GPU to show up but, it’s progress! ☺️

Gotta figure out the right settings on in the UEFI then stall an OS & we’ll be off to streaming shortly after that! 💪

Schedule Reminder!

Tuesday’s & Thursdays 6-8pm EST.

Note: We’ll be starting up streaming again soon enough, gotta get my new setup up and running. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements.

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Available on mobile and TV devices
google store google store app store app store
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